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Hematology is the branch of medical science that focuses on the study of blood, blood-forming organs, and blood-related disorders. It involves the investigation of blood cells, their formation, functions, abnormalities, and the diseases that affect them.

Hematology is closely linked with oncology, as many blood disorders are forms of cancers affecting the blood cells or bone marrow. Hematologists work closely with other medical specialists, including oncologists, pathologists, and surgeons, to diagnose and manage blood-related diseases, perform bone marrow biopsies, administer treatments like chemotherapy or bone marrow transplants, and provide comprehensive care for patients with hematologic conditions.

Why Choose us?

Choosing us over other, Navya Diagnostics we have such world class facilities and doctors which you won’t get anywhere.

This hospital is not only a treatment center, in fact it’s a hope for many. We do our best in treating the patients. We know what the requirements of a patient are and to reduce extra burden, we keep working for their good health and quick recovery.


We gives you the best healthcare solutions.

If you have any query or want to share problems or any emergency, contact us without hesitation..